Our Services
1:1 Coaching sessions with expert parent coach, certified in high conflict divorce.
Your coach will dedicate 1:1 time to hear your current / ongoing custody case and collaborate with you a plan in the best interest of your children
Your coach is NOT and attorney and will not represent you in Family court.
Your coach may prepare you for what to expect in Family court, what is valuable and important information to portray to the court and what is not
Your coach may direct you to the correct family court self help forms for your family court case
Your coach may help you navigate the family court system through parental alienation and high conflict custody battles and prepare you for the situations you may face
Your coach will listen to your case with empathy and the knowledge and expertise of the intricate workings of the difficulties of high conflict co-parenting and how to navigate parenting through this and maintaining a relationship with your child
Introducing Ghostwriting
In collaboration with you, we will read your co-parenting communications and via “ghostwriting” craft well written responses that reduce high conflict between co-parents
Respond following the BIFF™ guidelines for effective communication
Teach you how to respond only to things that directly affect the children in a neutral non-threatening way.
Ghostwriting is a great way to relieve constant stress, fighting and animosity that comes hand in hand in communicating with a high conflict co-parent.
Ghostwriting is private and confidential. No information is ever shared or discussed outside of the coaching relationship.
Ghostwriting is available for step-parents as well who are experiencing communication difficulty with their partners high conflict ex.
Often times married couples experience their own conflict within the marriage when the topic of “what to respond to the high conflict ex” is brought up. This can often be very challenging and create hostility at home. Ghostwriting removes that conflict from your home.
Coach is not an attorney, ghostwriting is no way legal advice.
Each Ghostwriting package is booked in a retainer format. Each Package will include a 30 minute Session with your coach to discuss your ghostwriting needs. From there we bill on a retainer basis. We have 1 hour, 3 hour, 6 hour and 9 hour retainer packages available. Times are billed for exactly how long it takes to create the communication.
Parent Coaching Individual or Couples
1:1 Sessions with certified parent coach of your choice.
Each individually purchased session is 50 minutes in length and held virtually.
Let’s face it parenting is stressful! Often times we turn to social media groups, friends or family for advice on what to do with our children. We bond over similarities but don’t usually find the key to creating the household or relationships with our children we truly desire. This is where parent coaching is so beneficial.
We will discuss your important values in parenting, your goals in parenting and how to effectively implement those into your daily life. We will also provide feedback crucial to the success of finding that missing piece you’ve been looking for.
Create daily rituals that decrease overall family stress.
Take a dive into your own past attachment, what in your childhood is creating difficulty as a parent today….
This is a safe space to vent, tell your story, and finally feel heard!
Parent Coaching is not therapy. But it is healthy, it is safe and hundreds of families just like yours have been turning to our services to improve to overall well-being of the parenting dynamic.
Parents or Step-Parents Affected by Parental Alienation
1:1 Sessions with certified parent coach of your choice.
Each session purchased is 50 minutes in length.
8 week Packages include 8- 50 minute sessions.
All sessions held virtually.
What is parental alienation and how does it affect you, your children, your significant other and your family unit.
Safe place to vent the grueling frustrations, and real feelings of being alienated in a non-judgemental space with a coach who has real life experience as an alienated parent & step-parent.
Do you still have contact with your alienated children? We will work on improving the relationship and reunifying with your alienated child or healing from the decision to stop attempts at relationship reunification.
Being alienated does not mean you are mandated to exhaust all resources to have a relationship with your alienated children. We want to help you navigate a path forward without pressure to have a relationship or not have a relationship . Your authentic voice as a targeted parent or step-parent matters.
Coaching for Grandparents Affected by Alienation
1:1 Sessions with certified parent coach of your choice.
Each individually purchased session is 50 minutes in length
Session are held virtually
What is grandparent alienation and what is it like to be an alienated grandparent
Grandparent alienation can occur in many different forms: some grandparents are alienated because their children are also alienated from the child. However some grandparents are alienated because their is a strained relationship between the grandparent and their own child and gatekeeping then occurs causing access to the grandchildren to be removed until the relationship with the adult children is repaired.
Safe space to escape and discuss challenges and hurdles unique to grandparents whom are alienated from their grandchildren
Relationship goals that surround your children to work on mending the bond that is potentially affecting the relationships or access to a relationship with your grandchildren.
Can you have a relationship with your grandchildren separate from their parents.
Parent or Step-Parent Coaching for Behavioral Concerns in the child
1:1 Sessions with certified parent coach of your choice.
Each session will be 50 minutes in length.
All sessions are held virtually.
We will work through finding positive alternative parenting strategies for children with behavioral outbursts.
How to Develop easy to follow Schedules to keep children easily disrupted by change well organized.
Create a safety plan for your household and other family members.
Develop Key Parenting styles that work for children with defiant behaviors.
Learn differences in Child’s behaviors with bio-parents vs. step-parents and how to connect with step-children who have undesirable behaviors.
Maintaining accountability with your children is very important here as is consistency. Gain confidence to in your parenting hand down accountability measures that work.
High Conflict Co-Parenting for Blended Families - Couples Sessions
1:1 Sessions with certified parent coach of your choice.
Each session for individuals or for couples will be 50 minutes in length
All sessions are held virtually and can accommodate couples on different accessing devices.
Sessions can be used for divorced or ex-partners who want to learn how to co-parent effectively for the children. Or who are court ordered to co-coparent certificates can be provided.
These sessions are also intended for married, dating, live in or can be couples who are experiencing the tensions of high conflict ex’s.
Your family may be blended consisting of yours, mine and ours kids or one of the partners may not have any biological children at all. These sessions still apply and can be tailored to your situation.
Learn how to effectively communicate to decrease unnecessary conflict
What co-parenting apps are most successful at decreasing communication conflict
Learn parenting skills to build strong and lasting relationship’’ with your kids without the conflict
What best suits your specific situation in regards to parenting the children in your home and how does conflict arise. Get to the bottom of the conflict so we can work to resolve it.
Step Parenting
1:1 Sessions with certified parent coach with the coach of your choice.
Each session is 50 minutes in length.
All sessions are held virtually.
Work to ensure your peace of mind is a top priority.
Create and instill personal boundaries unique to a Step Parent.
Work on creating a home environment that feels peaceful for everyone.
Set standards for equitability vs. equality.
How do you feel heard in your household and with your partner.
Build relationships with your step-children.
Finally a coach who wants to listens to your story to provide a safe space for venting out anger and frustrations in step-parenting.
How does the high conflict of your spouse’s ex partner affect your ability to connect with your step-children.
Are you constantly in flight or fight mode.
“ Forgivness is not a matter of exonerating people who have hurt you. They may not deserve exoneration. Forgiveness means cleansing your soul of the bitterness of what may have been, what should have been and what didn’t have to happen. Letting go of what was in your past and not allowing it to sour your view of life’s future”
— Unknown