FAQ : Will my child return to parenting time after my coaching sessions?

While the goal is that you and your child will develop a positive and healthy relationship with coaching, we do not guarantee that your child will return to parenting time.

FAQ: What is high conflict parent coaching?

Parent coaching is rooted in the practice of individuals learning a strengths based approach to difficult parenting situations, learning to giving clear, explicit directives to parents, partners and caregivers, designed to improve challenging behaviors in the family structure, children or individual youth.


FAQ: Is my parent coach a Therapist ?

No none of our coaches here are trained or licensed therapist. Parent coaches focus more on the relationship with your children, your co-parenting relationship and the navigation of high conflict and parental alienation situations. Our coaches also have the training to ghostwrite communications. Therapists focus on mental health and overcoming the challenges you face when trying to manage these obstacles related to your mental health concerns. Therapists are licenced in specific treatment whereas parent coaches are certified in coaching.

FAQ: Does my child come to parent coaching?

No these sessions are reserved time for parents and step-parents. This specifically requires no children regardless of age be present with the exception of nursing infants. Remember this is your time, limiting distractions will give you the most successful sessions.

FAQ: Where do I need to live to receive coaching sessions?

You can live anywhere across the globe. We are certified to provide services internationally and in the United States. While our scheduling hours are listed in MOUNTAIN/STANDARD time we are able to meet the time zone needs of our global clients.

FAQ: How long should I expect to be in parent coaching?

This is a personal journey and everyone’s story and need is vastly different. We will move as fast or as slow as each client needs. There is no time limit or requirement to completion. We do not follow a weekly program in our coaching services. We meet each client where they are.

FAQ: How is the Authentic Voice different from other coaching services?

Here we allow everyone a safe space to be authentic in their own story and lived experiences. No one is right or wrong here for being exactly where they are. We do not work on a one size fits all parenting program. Your coaches are certified in multiple different aspects of parent coaching as well as co-parenting and communication. We are also both survivors of high conflict ex’s, narcissism , difficult co-parenting communication and the trauma experienced from years of parental alienation. Not only are we experts in this field we have real life lived experiences as well. We will not shame you here. No one is a perfect parent.

FAQ: Does the Authentic Voice believe in the protective parent model?

No we do not. We have both lived through severe parental alienation facing nearly all behaviors found in this phenomenon. We know it is real. We know that false allegations occur everyday. We know that parents create high-conflict for many different reasons and often take the kids with them. We also know that it is possible to co-parent and communicate but that it takes work. Sometimes that work can only come from one parent and that is ok. That is why we are here to help you navigate how to do that.

FAQ: What if I cannot communicate with my ex at all?

That is perfectly ok. We know that communication in co-parenting is often impossible. We offer ghostwriting services for this very reason.

FAQ: Can me and my ex-partner or co-parent both take sessions together?

Yes. If you believe your co-parent will attend with you and wants to work on your co-parenting relationship and your relationship with the children we welcome this anytime. We do not mandate that they attend though. It will be up to the parent signing up for our couples sessions to engage the co-parent for attendance.

FAQ: Can you stop my ex from alienating my children?

We are happy to include your ex or co-parent whom is alienating the children from you in sessions. However we do not guarantee that they will attend sessions and we do not guarantee that they will stop alienating.

FAQ: Is parent coaching legal representation ?

No. Parent coaches are not able to offer any legal representation. We are not attorney’s and any information shared or advice given is not legal advice.z