Parenting is an everyday adventure. Some of those adventures will come with big wins, while others, may come with conflict and fear. Your parenting adventure, whatever stage you are in, is uniquely yours and yours alone! However parent coaching is designed to have a coach in the ring with you during those unique adventures at all times.
Whether you are a new step-parent, struggling through a high conflict co-parenting situation, a pro- parent learning how to parent through your child’s challenging behaviors, or a couple working on parenting together.
Your journey here at The Authentic Voice a Parent Coaching Service, no matter how easy or how difficult, will be handled with compassion, integrity, expertise, support,professionalism and guidance.
Here your voice is always heard, because let’s face it PARENTING IS HARD!
Strategies, tools, and resources for parenting with a difficult co-parent.
Learning how to teach your children to navigate the complexities of a high conflict co-parenting relationship without getting caught in the middle is what we do!
Communication styles that are neutral in response and minimize high intensity emotions is our cup of tea!
Sometimes it’s just a safe space to be. To lay down your frustrations and difficulties and truly feel heard and be understood.
We do this work because of our passion surrounding high conflict co-parenting and ensuring you have the place to set down ALL of your parenting needs with coaches who are not only experts in this field but who have also walked these journeys’ in our own lives and stories. Coaches who have also survived those lives and stories to bring this expert style to you first hand.

You may be just starting the divorce process or are a well seasoned co-parent tired and overwhelmed with the constant high conflict or you may be anywhere in-between. No matter what step in your journey, you are not alone.
You will get individualized sessions with a dual-certified parent coach specializing in high conflict co-parenting, parental alienation, grandparent alienation or estrangement, blended families, step-parenting and child behavioral concerns. Working with parents, step-parent and grandparents.
Sessions can be done individually, with couples sessions or group sessions. All sessions are 50 minutes in length and held virtually. A typical session entails 1:1 coaching in which you will be safe to tell your authentic story, share goals, challenges, concerns and work towards a path forward.
While every story is uniquely different we all share in one common theme, wanting the best for our children. You will learn new strategies, gain insight, decrease conflict and build a strong and positive relationship with your children.
We believe in a non-judgemental, compassionate approach to coaching. Providing parents of all situations a safe place to land, to be heard and understood without blaming or shaming. We are confident that targeted parents will experience a different environment here. Often times targeted parents are blamed for the continued refusal of alienated children to rebuild relationships. The constant pressure to repair the broken parent-child relationship can feel like re-victimization, we are coaches with lived experience, we know it is NOT your fault.
We bring an environment to ensure our clients feel supported, safe, heard and educated on the topics that matter most to their unique parenting situation.


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